ebooks FAQ @ BookFinder.com

ebooks FAQ
Frequently asked questions about ebooks and ereaders

What is an eBook?

eBooks are any electronic or digital version of a book, pamphlet or any type of document. They are files which can be read on personal computers, phones, tablets, or dedicated reading devices which are commonly called eBook Readers (or eReaders).

Can I download any eBook (file) for my eBook Reader?

No, there are a few different file types eBooks can be created in, and any readers cannot read all formats. Currently on BookFinder.com there are two different file types available. The Kindle (.azw) eBooks which can only be read by Kindle devices, and ePub files which are an open file type that can be read by most eBook Readers (including Nook, Sony, and Kobo readers).

Can I download eBooks for iPad?

Yes, iPads can read any eBooks in the ePub format.

Where can I find free eBooks?

Currently you can find free eBooks at websites like Project Gutenberg, Free eBooks, and Many Books, however BookFinder.com is working on including free eBooks included in our search results too.

What Is E Ink?

Many eReaders are now equipped with "E Ink" screens, which display text and images without the use of back lighting, making the text easier to read for long periods of time and visible even when read in full sunlight. Tablet like devices (such as iPads) have standard backlit screens and should not be confused with E Ink.

What Stores do you currently compare eBook prices for?

Currently we only compare prices on Amazon.co.uk, Kobo and Ebooks.com. If you have a favorite eBook store you want to see included in our search email us.

If you have a type of eReader not mentioned or have questions about other eBook file types a good resource for eBook information is the website Mobile Read. It contains a blog, wiki and forum for eBook users and should be able to help answer more specific questions.


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