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Wired News, The Amazon of Antiquaries (diciembre 24, 1998)

You want to get a special book for a special person. Say, a copy of John F. Kennedy's Profiles in Courage, which includes a chapter on President Andrew Johnson's 1868 impeachment, for a fence-sitting member of Congress. You could buy a garden-variety reprint at your local bookstore or at a big online new-book outlet. But you want to make a deep impression -- maybe by sending an autographed copy. That means leaving the mall and shopping at a rare-book dealer...The principal function of established used-book clearinghouses like, started as a class project two years ago by a student at University of California at Berkeley, is to connect buyers and sellers. They'll show you all the available copies of Profiles in Courage, give all the basic information, detail the payment and shipping terms, and tell you who to call or email if you spot the book you want.

The Press (Canterbury, New Zealand) (Nueva Zelanda), Don't Take It Out On Your PC (diciembre 15, 1998)

Getting booked: If you're a book buff you'll be engrossed for hours in (formerly MX Bookfind Grab a few titles from your shelf and you might be pleasantly surprised at what they are fetching on the international book market. You can search in a variety of fields, including author's first name, author's last name, and book title. You can refine your search to look for only hardcover, paperbacks, used and out of print, or new titles. searches through something like five million books from hundreds of antiquarian book stores. searches through something like five million books from hundreds of antiquarian book stores. Most are North American and British, with just a handful of New Zealand sellers represented.

The Washington Post, By the Book (noviembre 27, 1998)

Having trouble finding an old hardbound copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover that Aunt Edna remembers fondly from her youth and would love for Christmas? Try one of the online book finding sites that search the catalogs of several used or antiquarian bookstores at once, like

The San Jose Mercury News, Bot Till You Drop: Comparing The Bots (noviembre 22, 1998)

One of my favorite book-oriented bots was the lesser-known, devoted to finding used and rare books. With notes such as 'profusely illus., water-stained cover and dust wrapper' and a minimum of splashy graphics, the site has a distinctively scholarly feel. The bot's creator Anirvan Chatterjee is a UC-Berkeley grad student who started it as a class project two years ago when he was 19.

PC Magazine, E-Commerce Sites (noviembre 17, 1998)

Only (, a terrific tool for finding used and rare books, lets you input a specific price range.

Brill's Content, Bookmarks (noviembre 1998)

[Jeanne Wolf, gossip columnist for TV Guide uses] It will find any out-of-print or used book.

Internet Magazine (Reino Unido), Buying Books Online (noviembre 1998)

[The best of the rest:] Search engine that scans through the databases of the top book sites to dig out those new, used and rare books.

Weekend Browser, Obscure Books for Obscure Readers (octubre 2, 1998)

But a certain web whittled down my to-buy list to one solitary title. Everything else I wanted--including Alexander Kira's historical treatise "Bathroom," Michael Krieger's "Conversations With Cannibals," Alexander Berkman's "Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist," and Charles Bukowski's "Poems Written Before Jumping out an 8-Story Window"--have all been secured.

The New York Times Book Review, Want to Buy a Rare Book? Click Here (septiembre 13, 1998)

Is it possible to own every book you want? Is it desirable? A lot has been written about what the electronic age will do to the book, but almost nothing about what it will do about book collecting. Even the young man who helped transform collecting doesn't worry about this question. Anirvan Chatterjee graduated this summer from U. C. Berkeley with a specialty in network information systems. For him, setting up a web site to find used and are books was an undergraduate finger exercise. Two years ago he wrote the software to link up some used-book databases...Giving Chatterjee credit for revolutionizing book collecting may be like giving the man who hammered in the Golden Spike credit for building the railroad. Still, where would I be without him?...Chatterjee got the needs of book collectors. is a casual site with minimal graphics. You don't realize you are in a room that contains eight million books. You just think: How nice. They have what I'm looking for...Collecting this way felt natural, like using an ATM. The books came. They came and they came.

Web Guide Monthly, Rare Books (agosto 1998)

A class project developed by University of California-Berkeley student Anirvan Chatterjee, this service has blossomed into a full-time business...It also makes comparison shopping for the book in the best condition at the lowest price much easier.

Spectator (North Carolina), Web Browsing for Books: Web Technology And Internet Super-bookstores Have Affected the Triangle's Independent and Used & Rare Bookstores - Often for the Better (junio 27, 1998)

Anirvan Chatterjee's offers multiple search engines, and there is even a special SetMaker to locate odd volumes and complete incomplete sets of reference works, encyclopedias, collected works and other multivolume editions.

Entertainment Weekly, Web Guide: Really Useful Best of Breed (junio 19, 1998)

More amazing than even, deftly searches half a dozen online booksellers' databases and generates a list of prices, dealers, and availability--even for those hard-to-find favorites. Satisfied users tell stories about searching for decades for books that turned up in five minutes. [A-]

Yahoo! Internet Life, Get the Best Price for a Book (junio 1998)

You're guaranteed the best deal online...try

Computer Edge, Bookwire (mayo 29, 1998)

Having trouble finding that favorite out-of-print book? Want to compare prices on books? Try It searches through many of the Internet bookstores and book dealers to help you find your book quickly without visiting all those sites.

The Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester), Your money: Buy the book (mayo 7, 1998)

For used books, the magazine's reporter had good luck with

Money Magazine, Buy-the-Book Strategy (mayo 1998)

Over the past several months, has helped me buy books from shops in Ohio, Georgia, and Indiana, and I've yet to have a problem. So along with Amazon, I keep bookmarked for future searches.

Catalog Age, Glorified Search Engines: Shopping Agents Help Catalogers Attract More Customers (mayo 1998)

While most of the larger shopping agents, such as Yahoo!'s and Excite's, search for the requested words against their entire database of Websites, smaller shopping agent companies are more selective., a shopping agent specializing in new, used, and out-of-print books, chooses which merchants to feature. 'We conduct our own quality checks,' says Anirvan Chatterjee, president and founder of the Berkeley, CA-based company. 'If my users don't know who's out there, I need to inform them and, in a sense, tell them who they should do business with.' offers comparative pricing from more than 5,000 bookstores. Once customers find the book they want at the price they want, they can order it directly from through hotlinks to merchants' order pages...'Linking to competitors' sites is a gutsy but honest move,' says's Chatterjee. 'It gives customers access to total information and lets them know that the site will present the best price, regardless of who the merchant is.'

The Tracery [newsletter], Bookviews & Caveats (abril 1998)

How sweet it is: Are you still hesitant to use a computer because it seems too complex? It's been made easier by Anirvan Chaterjee...try it, you'll love the time it saves.

Information Technology Newsletter (University of Minnesota), In Search of that Elusive Book Title (abril 1998)

A Metasearch Engine: is a metasearch engine covering all of the above bookstores, along with at least four others. It allows you to search by words from author/title/keywords, limit by whether you want a new, used/out-of-print edition and limit by the amount of money you wish to spend. Results are in a tabular format by store with author, title, format (paperback, hardcover, CD-ROM), price, ISBN and date of publication. Thanks to Dennis Lien of Wilson Reference for this last, useful resource.

The Columbus Dispatch, At Hoffman's Book Shop on Arcadia Avenue, Evelyn Hoffman Uses the Internet to Search for Rare Books (febrero 18, 1998) (which searches all the other sites, slowly but efficiently) Since that exciting day I also purchased A Memoir of Jane Austen for 10 U.S. 'dollars' from a bookseller in Sao Paulo, Brazil I have learned about several Internet book-searching sites, including Advanced Book Exchange,, Bibliocity, Bibliofind, and the pioneering Interloc.

The Web Magazine, Shopping (febrero 1998)

Bibliophiles will love the fast, precise, sanely formatted results from this online booksmith...Especially impressive is the finely-detailed database of used and rare (first, signed, and limited edition books).

USA Today, Booking Space on the Net: Used-Booksellers Take a Page from Other On-Line Vendors (enero 28, 1998) searches all search sites...very efficient

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